Tuesday, February 15, 2011


tha freshman

He recently began his promising modeling career and I am honored to be the first to get his exclusive interview
DolledUpEbbs: Hi Jeremy… let’s get this started shall we, lol.  When did you first start modeling?
Jeremy: It was New Years 2010; I actually had my first official photo shoot on Feb 2010. One of my first photographers was Terrance Pitts.
Dolledupebbs: How were you discovered?
Jeremy: By Reggie Irving (Ty- Kodak). He asked me one day did I want to join TCP “Top Choice Photography.”
Dolledupebbs: Give me details… How did you two meet? How did you feel?
Jeremy: We meet through a friend on MySpace when I was only 15 years old. I didn’t want to do it at first so I kept putting it off. I didn’t think modeling was interesting. When I did it the first time I was still skeptical but it all worked out.  
Dolledupebbs: Describe your first photo shoot?
Jeremy: We met on 51st [Southside of Chicago] and I brought my own clothes. I first shot out doors, we picked random locations, I enjoyed it.  I was very nervous at first and then the photographer Terrance told me I was good and wanted to shoot me again. When I first saw the pictures I didn’t like them so I posted them on facebook and everybody loved them. I felt so much positive energy and love.
Dolledupebbs: What’s next for your career… are we going to see Jeremy Simmien’s name in lights one day?
Jeremy: In due time.. Now I’m working with a fashion designer who feels I am the look for his line. We have some shoots coming up in the near future in Los Angeles, Las Vegas and New York.
Dolledupebbs: So Jeremy a handsome man like you self has to be involved… is there a leading lady in your life?
Jeremy: I have someone in mind but my options are still open.
Dolledupebbs: for the ladies who would like to know, what kind of woman sparks your interest?
Jeremy: I love a woman who is not only attractive but also intelligent. She would have to support me in my decisions and dreams and I will support her as well.
Dolledupebbs: Umm… sounds like you’re a great catch… Ladies he’s not attractive but Intelligent himself. You’re a sophomore at SIUC? What are you studying?
Jeremy: Yes I am, at the moment I am in the college of liberal arts but will be soon transferring to the college of communications.  I am really interested in radio/ television and graphic design.
Dolledupebbs: with graphic design knowledge and from what your wearing you style is on point.  Do you think the students on SIUC campus influence your style?
Jeremy: Although some of the students have great style and an eye for fashion I would say I’m most influenced by the fashion models and iconic designers in our industry.
Dolledupebbs: I have had an amazing time sitting and talking with you.  I can see why so many people would gravitate towards you. Is there anything you would like to say to aspiring models on and off SIUC campus?
Jeremy: No matter what others may say or think, chase your dreams. I was told that I couldn’t do it and that I wouldn’t make it and now my life is taking off. If you honesty put in the time and effort you can achieve any goal.
Dolledupebbs: Thank you again Jeremy. Below is a link to Jeremy’s Facebook page and some hot photos from his shoot with …

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